amara beauty, chain, fashionably dead, ison, izzie's, kibitz, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, reign, second life, traditional face, vegas tattoo, vibing

Impossible To Ignore

If you asked me what are two things that make me happy, I’d probably say books and cats. (Music, food, and gifts also work.) I think a lot about what makes me happy these days. It’s Mental Health Awareness Month, and as someone who is highly anxious and quite depressed (that’s not a lie. It’s diagnosed by a professional.) I am actively trying to change that about myself. I hate the saying “Happiness is a choice.” Mental health is not a choice. But I will say that you can try to the best of your current ability to choose things that make life a little better. It’s not easy. It never will be. Sometimes you can’t choose, and that’s okay, too. But when you can, choose the things you love. For me, it’ll always be cats and books.

And tater tots.

Impossible To Ignore

In This Post:
Head: Avalon by Lelutka
Body: LaraX Petite by Maitreya
Body Skin: Picasso Babe Slim by Velour
Face Skin: Delila by Traditional Face
Face Layers by Izzie’s:
* Highlight Corrector
* Nose Fix
* Under Eye Lashes Concealer
* Heart Mole
* Cheeks Contour
* Lips Concealer
* Highlighter
* Chin Dimple
* Everyday Blush
Lipstick: Sabrina by Amara Beauty
Tattoo: Gratitude by Vegas Tattoo
Hair: Ellie by Chain
Top: Lace-Up Linen Vest by Fashionably Dead
Shorts: Kye by Ison
Shoes: Scrunch Strap Heels by Reign
Necklace: Your Babygirl by Kibitz
Rings: Leila by Vibing
Earrings: (Wearing 2 sets)
* Leia by Vibing
* Samara by Kibitz
Pose and Props: Book Lovers – Only Connect by Le Poppycock
Photo taken at The Woodland Cafe & Library

fashionably dead, glam affair, izzie's, kibitz, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, minimal, rama salon, second life, Tres Beau, tres chic, Uncategorized, vegas tattoo

Don’t Waste The Time I Don’t Have

Do you have goals for your SLife? When I came back, I didn’t. I just wanted to be here without fear. I think that was probably my only goal. But as soon as I got in and started finding my way again, I’ve made a few. I have some “holy grail” events that I truly want to blog for. I am keeping my eyes WIDE open to see if they ever ask for bloggers!

And I want to get off of my platform and redo my region. I think it came as a surprise to some people that it wasn’t the first thing I wanted to do, since I’d talked about it quite a bit. But I know that once I start, it will be a huge undertaking, and I still have other things I do, like my Twitch streaming. Part of me thinks I’ll just ask someone to do it for me. Or at least help me. But we’ll see.

But for now, I’ll keep working on getting better at photos again, and getting better at blogging. I’m happy enough in my little sky world at the moment.

Don't Waste The Time I Don't Have

In This Post:
Head: Avalon by Lelutka
Body: LaraX Petite by Maitreya
Body Skin: Picasso Babe Slim by Velour
Face Skin: Bliss by Glam Affair
Face Layers by Izzie’s:
* Highlight Corrector
* Nose Fix
* Eyebrows (Straight)
* Heart Mole
* Lips Concealer
* Chin Dimple
* Under Eye Lashes Concealer
* Everyday Blush
Highlight: Glow Babez (1) by Tres Beau
Tattoo: Nivile by Vegas Tattoo
Hair: Amalia by Rama Salon
Top: Pinned Crop by Fashionably Dead [Tres Chic]
Bottom: Cutout Chain Jeans by Fashionably Dead [Tres Chic]
Necklace: Multi-Loving by Kibitz
Pose: Altered State – Uncertain Future by Le Poppycock
Background: Urban Backdrop by Minimal
Access, ascendant, blueberry, eudora3d, glam affair, izzie's, kibitz, kuni, le poppycock, LeLutka, limerence, Maitreya, riot, Tres Beau, tutti belli, vegas tattoo

I Know I Always Come And Go

About 2 or 3 years ago, I started collecting bee stuff. I have hair clips and earrings and necklaces with bees/beehives/honey on them. I love the little (and actually false) saying about bumblebees that because of their wings being small and their bodies being chubby, they shouldn’t be able to fly. But they don’t know that, so they fly anyway. And there’s something just kind of adorable and inspiring about that.

So while yes, I will impulsively buy just about anything for 50L, apparently if there are bees, I will also impulsively buy it.

I have problems.

I Know I Always Come and Go

In This Post:
Head: Avalon by Lelutka
Body: LaraX Petite by Maitreya
Body Skin: Picasso Babe Slim by Velour
Face Skin: Bliss by Glam Affair
Face Layers by Izzie’s:
* Highlight Corrector
* Nose Fix
* Closed Eyelids
* Eyebrows (Straight)
* Heart Mole
* Lips Concealer
* Chin Dimple
* Under Eye Lashes Concealer
* Everyday Blush
Highlight: Glow Babez (1) by Tres Beau
Lipstick: Alone by Tutti Belli
Hair: Emily by Kuni
Top: Kare Tank Top by Blueberry
Bottom: Cassiopeia Jeans by Riot [Access]
Earrings: Luna by Eudora3D [Group Gift, 50L group fee]
Necklace: Maria’s Necklace by Kibitz
Glasses: Sunflowers by Limerance
Tattoo: Nivile by Vegas Tattoo
Nails: So Cute by Ascendant
Pose & Prop: Versions of April – Bonjour by Le Poppycock
anthem, ascendant, doux, DRD, fetch, glam affair, le poppycock, LeLutka, level, little fox, Maitreya, scarlet creative, the liaison collaborative, Uncategorized

I Love It When You Call Me Señorita

Hello loves! Happy July! I don’t know about where y’all are, but wow, it is getting super hot in my neck of the woods. Now in my offline life, I’m not much of an outdoorsy beachy girl. I wish I were, but outside is hot, there are bugs, the beach has sand that gets into way too many places, and the ocean makes me dizzy if I’m too close. But I will always be happy with a Second Life summer!

Anthem and The Liaison Collaborative have both opened for July, and their themes are so summery and fun! You must must must go!

Style - I Love It When You Call Me Senorita

In This Post:

Head: Nova by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Rosalie by Glam Affair
Hair: Alaska by Doux [Level]
Top and Skirt: Sophia by Little Fox [Anthem]
Glasses: Alicia by Fetch
Nails: Pineapple by Ascendant [Anthem]
Pose and Prop: Private Eye – Watercolors by Le Poppycock [The Liaison Collaborative]

Table, Planters – Tropical Patio Set by DRD [Anthem]
House: Carnaval by Scarlet Creative

anthem, astralia, avaway, foxcity, glam affair, kraftwork, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, the liaison collaborative, Truth, Uncategorized

Life Is A Work Of Art

Hello loves! So apologies for any rambling right now. My allergies are REALLY bad and I’m slightly doped up on allergy meds. 🙂

One thing I have always said about Second Life is that it is like walking into someone’s art every day. Just think about all of the amazing artists we have around here! And honestly, all of us are in some way an artist. Maybe we don’t sit in front of Blender or Maya and make mesh, but we can use what is create to create our own art. And that could be anything from a photograph to just decorating a region or a house to be something fantastic. It’s amazing, all the possibilities we have to be creative.

If you have not been to Anthem or The Liaison Collaborative this month yet, you really need to go. Get some items to create your own art!

Style - Life Is A Work Of Art

In This Post:

Head: Aida by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Gaia by Glam Affair
Hair: Destiny by Truth
Outfit: Jessie Hoodie and Shorts by Astralia [Anthem]
Necklaces: Love by AvaWay
Pose and Prop: Bright Ideas – Outburst by Le Poppycock [The Liaison Collaborative]

Old Asian Rug, Half Moon Table, Tall Vase Green, Short Vase Terracotta, Old Wood Door – Grasmere Collection by KraftWork [Anthem]

Photo Booth: Bae Window by Foxcity

anxiety, fameshed, glam affair, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, neve, the liaison collaborative, Truth, Uncategorized

I Am Unwritten

Hello, loves! Happy new year! Are you ready for a new year of lovely things and shopping and photos and fun? Me too!

The Liaison Collaborative has opened for a brand new round and it’s a good one! It is designer’s choice this month, so there is much to see.

Also, if you are not part of the Anxiety group, you should get in! They have a big box FULL of backdrops and skyboxes for only 77L!! They are their older work but as you can see with this backdrop I’m using, they are still super awesome! I know for me, stores that create backdrops and photo sets always have my heart because they make creating blog photos soooo much easier! The group is 77L to join, but super super worth it!

I hope you are all having a great start to your week!

Style - I Am Unwritten

In This Post:

Head: Aida by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Gaia by Glam Affair
Hair: Eternity by Truth
Top: Rabble by Neve [FaMESHed]
Leggings: Chaos by Neve [FaMESHed]
Pose and props: Writer’s Block by Le Poppycock The Liaison Collaborative
Backdrop: Home by Anxiety [Goodbye Neon Box, 77L]

blueberry, doux, fameshed, glam affair, Ingenue, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, the liaison collaborative, tres blah

You’re Gonna Make It Through The Rain

Hello, beautiful ones! Okay, I’ll admit it. I super dropped the blogging ball in August. HUGE thank you to the stores and events who have allowed me this little break! Just like we need rain to wash away the dust and make everything clean again, sometimes we need a break to refresh our creativity.

Style - You're Gonna Make It Through The Rain

In This Post:

Head: Aida by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Gaia by Glam Affair
Hair: Mishi by Doux
Top: Maddie’s Cardigan by Tres Blah [FaMESHed]
Jeans: Natalia by Blueberry
Shoes: Guilia by Ingenue
Pose and Props: Altered State – Peripherals by Le Poppycock [The Liaison Collaborative]

decoy, glam affair, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, summerfest, the liaison collaborative, tram, uber

To A Brand New Sun

Hello, beautiful ones! I hope all of you are enjoying the start of your summer! (Or winter, if you’re in one of those down under places.) It’s been a hot one so far here!

If you follow me on Twitch, you know that I’m really huge into self care these days. We talk about this often on my stream! I’ve been taking care of me lately. Are you taking care of you? You should. You’re absolutely worth it. ♥

Style - To A Brand New Sun

In This Post:

Head: Aida by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Gaia by Glam Affair
Hair: I0618 by Tram [Uber]
Outfit: Niyah Swimsuit by Decoy [Summerfest]
Pose & Prop: Shipwrecked by Le Poppycock [The Liaison Collaborative]

clawtooth, fashionably dead, glam affair, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, the liaison collaborative, uber

Love Me Anyway

Hello, beautiful ones! I know, I took kind of an unintended break! Sorry about that! Once in a while, you simply have that creative block. But I’m back and there are SO MANY good things out there right now! I hope the start of your month has been a good one, and I hope you’re enjoying all of the beautiful creations out there right now!

Style - Love Me Anyway

In This Post:

Head: Aida by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Gaia by Glam Affair
Hair: Miss Vanjie by Clawtooth [Uber]
Outfit: Sunshine Set by Fashionably Dead [Uber]
Pose and Prop: Shipwrecked by Le Poppycock [The Liaison Collaborative]

ade, bloom, chicchica, fetch, glam affair, le poppycock, LeLutka, Maitreya, nanika, neve, the liaison collaborative, tres chic

Groovy Little Summer Song

Happy Monday, beautiful ones! Our weather here lately has been pretty up and down. It was just warm enough yesterday to make me start thinking about summer! There is just something about being out enjoying the sun all day, then winding down with a nice fruity drink as the sun sets. I really can’t wait for those days again!

Style - Groovy Little Summer Song

In This Post:

Head: Aida by LeLutka
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: Gaia by Glam Affair
Hair: Dangerous by Ade
Dress: Stark by Neve [Tres Chic]
Choker and Necklace: Spring by Nanika [The Liaison Collaborative]
Glasses: Angular by Fetch [Bloom]
Drink: Cocomilk by ChicChica
Pose and prop: Sitting Pretty by Le Poppycock