ana poses, anthem, e.marie, izzie's, LeLutka, Maitreya, Pixicat, Pride, Pride At Home, second life, traditional face, Truth x Faga, vegas tattoo

Don’t Hide Yourself In Regret

Happy Pride Month, y’all! I’ve been proud to be an ally since I was in high school and some of my friends felt comfortable coming out. I know it couldn’t have been easy for them. After all, we lived in a small Texas town and the possibility of not being accepted was pretty high. But they did it anyway. Surprisingly, no one seemed to care. I think for a lot of us, it just answered questions we had, like “Why doesn’t he like me?” Or for me, the question was usually “Why are we dating but he’s always more excited about going out with the guys?” 🤣

A few years ago, while chatting with people, the term “demisexual” came up. Demisexuals are people who don’t feel sexual attraction unless they’ve formed an emotional bond with someone. I laughed and said that was silly, everyone was like that, right? The response was “Oh. Oh, honey.” Well, heck. 😅 Upon researching it more, I checked a lot of the boxes and suddenly things made a LOT more sense. So, technically, since demisexuality is part of the asexuality spectrum, I guess I am also part of the rainbow, too.

But mostly, I’m going to be an ally. Because that’s what my buddies deserve.

Don't Hide Yourself In Regret

Featured Items:

Dress: Isla (Pride Edition) by Pixicat [Anthem]
Face and Body Rainbow Powder by Izzie’s (Pride At Home)

Other Items:

Head: Avalon by Lelutka
Body: LaraX Petite by Maitreya
Body Skin: Picasso Babe Slim by Velour
Face Skin: Delila by Traditional Face
Face Layers by Izzie’s:
* Highlight Corrector
* Nose Fix
* Under Eye Lashes Concealer
* Heart Mole
* Cheeks Contour
* Lips Concealer
* Highlighter
* Chin Dimple
Hair: Tranquil by Truth x Faga
Earrings: Mystic Earrings by e.marie
Pose and Prop: Putian by Ana Poses

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